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Hansen & Associates, LLC is a first-choice administrator focusing on claims processing and administration for special lines products. We recognize industry standards and incorporate guidelines that assist in professional and timely claim handling. Hansen & Associates, LLC is considered to be a liaison between clients, insurance carriers, defense counsel for professional and industry related losses.


Claims are managed efficiently using customized databases to document and process information, and to provide reporting tailored to each client’s guidelines. Hansen & Associates’ LLC, service is versatile, efficient, customizable, scalable, and personal. We provide guidance, expertise, and direction on litigation management, coverage issues and disputes from claims consulting, desk reviews, and cradle-to-grave claims performance.


Hansen & Associates, LLC has a trained, experienced staff of claims professionals to review all your specialized claims needs and will guarantee satisfaction. We believe in an open line of communication to resolve all losses quickly and professionally.



Our mission is to provide effective claims management through claim specialists who know your business and risk profile as well as assess liability, negotiate successful outcomes, and provide access to expert defense counsel in an instance a claim goes to court. Hansen & Associates Special Claims Services, LLC offers our clients an expertise that comes with having a collective 100 years experience combined in professional, special-line products.


At Hansen & Associates, LLC, our data management systems and personal service provide flexibility to handle unique client needs. We accept service of client complaints that desire to streamline the claims process along-side safe handling and assignment costs.



For any inquiries, please call or email us:

228-697-3133   |

our address

P.O. Box 7116

D'Iberville, MS 39540


you can fill in the following contact:

*not for submitting a claim

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P.O. Box 7116 | D'Iberville, MS 39540  |   228-697-3133

© 2022 by Hansen & Associates 

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